List of publications by A. M. Selvam and colleagues
The superscript * attached to serial numbers
refer to the papers which are archived in CERN
303. A. M. Selvam, 2010: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: Applications in
Atmospheric Sciences
302. A. M. Selvam, 2010: Universal Spectrum for Atmospheric Suspended Particulates: Comparison with Observations
301. A. M. Selvam, 2010: Universal Inverse Power law distribution for Fractal Fluctuations in Dynamical Systems: Applications for Predictability of Inter - annual Variability of Indian and USA Region Rainfall
300. A. M. Selvam, 2009: A General Systems Theory for Atmospheric Flows and Atmospheric Aerosol Size Distribution
299. A. M. Selvam, 2008: Universal Characteristics of Fractal Fluctuations in Prime Number Distribution
298. A. M. Selvam, 2008: Signatures of Universal Characteristics of Fractal Fluctuations in Global Mean Monthly Temperature Anomalies
297. A. M. Selvam, 2008: Fractal Fluctuations and Statistical Normal Distribution Fractals 17(3), 333-249 (2009)
296. A. M. Selvam, 2007: Chaotic Climate Dynamics, Luniver Press, UK
295. A. M. Selvam, 2007: Universal spectrum for DNA base CG frequency distribution in Takifugu rubripes (Puffer fish) genome
294. A. M. Selvam, 2007: Universal spectrum for DNA base C+G frequency distribution in Human chromosomes 1 to 24
293. A. M. Selvam, 2006: Spectral Analysis of Dow Jones Index and Comparison with Model Predicted Cycles During 1900-2005.
International Journal of Physics
Volume 2, Number 1, January-June 2009, pp.27-43
serial publications
292. A. M. Selvam, 2005: A General Systems Theory for Chaos, Quantum Mechanics and Gravity for Dynamical Systems of all Space-Time Scales.
Published in ELECTROMAGNETIC PHENOMENA 2005, Vol.5, No.2(15) 160-176
291. A. M. Selvam, 2004: Fractal space-time fluctuations: A signature of quantumlike chaos in dynamical systems.
290. A. M. Selvam, 2004: Universal spectrum for DNA base C+G concentration variability in Human chromosome Y.
289. A. M. Selvam, 2004: A General Systems Theory for the Observed Fractal Space-Time Fluctuations in Dynamical Systems.
288. A. M. Selvam, 2002: Quantumlike Chaos
in the Frequency Distributions of the Bases A, C, G, T in human chromosome 1 DNA. Published in APEIRON Volume 11 Number 3 (July 2004), 134-146.
287. A. M. Selvam, 2002: Quantumlike Chaos
in the Frequency Distributions of the Bases A, C, G, T in Drosophila DNA.Published
in the October issue of the Canadian electronic journal APEIRON 9(4), 103-148.
. Also available in LANL archives
286. A. M. Selvam, 2002: Signatures of Quantum-like
Chaos in Dow Jones Index and Turbulent Fluid Flows.
285*. A. M. Selvam, 2001: Signatures of quantum-like
chaos in spacing intervals of non-trivial Riemann zeta zeros and in turbulent
fluid flows.
Published with modification in the Canadian electronic journal APEIRON8(4),
284*. A. M. Selvam, 2001: Quantum-like chaos
in prime number distribution and in turbulent fluid flows. file:///F:/award/index/http;//
Published with modification in the Canadian electronic journal APEIRON8(3),
283*. A. M. Selvam, 1999: Cantorian fractal
spacetime and quantum-like chaos in neural networks of the human brain.
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 10(1), 25-29.
282. R. R. Joshi and A. M. Selvam, 1999: Identification of self-organized criticality in atmospheric low frequency variability. Fractals 7(4)(1), 421-425.
281. A. M. Selvam, D. Sen and S. M. S. Mody,
1999: Self - organized criticality in daily incidence of acute myocardial
infarction. Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology Research Report
No. RR - 083, February 1999.
280. A. M. Selvam and Suvarna Fadnavis, 1998:
Cantorian fractal patterns, quantum-like chaos and prime numbers in atmospheric
flows. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals (Submitted).
279. A. M. Selvam, D. Sen and S. M. S. Mody,
2000: Critical fluctuations in daily incidence of acute myocardial infarction.
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 11(8), 1175-1182.
278. A. M. Selvam and Suvarna Fadnavis, 1999:
Cantorian fractal spacetime, quantum-like chaos and scale relativity in
atmospheric flows. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 10(9), 1577–1582.
277. A. M. Selvam and V. V. Sapre, 1998: Fractal
nature of TOGA temperature time series. IITM Research Report No.
276. A. M. Selavm, M. Radhamani, S.
Fadnavis and M. I. R. Tinmaker, 1998: Universal Spectrum for Intraseasonal
Variability in TOGA Temperature Time Series. IITM Research Report No.
RR-77, August 1998.
275. A. M. Selvam and Suvarna Fadnavis, 1999:
Superstrings, Cantorian-fractal space-time and quantum-like chaos in atmospheric
flows. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 10(8), 1321-1334.
274. A.M. Selvam and Suvarna Fadnavis, 1998:
A superstring theory for fractal spacetime, chaos and quantumlike mechanics
in atmospheric flows.
Proc. Physical Interpretations of Relativity
theory, London, 11-14 september, British Society for the Philosophy
of science, S.C.E.T. University of Sunderland, pp.163-174.
273. A. M. Selvam and Suvarna Fadnavis, 1998:
A cell Dynamical System Model for Subatomic dynamics. Proc. IBER 98,
III Iberian Joint Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Mira(Portugal),
May 4-7, 1998.
272. A. Mary Selvam and Suvarna Fadnavis,
1998: A cell dynamical system model for simulation of continuum dynamics
of turbulent fluid flows.Proc. The Int'l Symposium on Trends in Continuum
Physics (TRECOP'98), August 17-20, Poznan, Poland. (Poznan University
of Technology)
271. A. Mary Selvam, 1998: A cell dynamical
system model for quantum gravity. Proc. Int'l Conf. Particles, Fields
and Gravitation, Lodz, Poland, April 15-19,1998. (University of Lodz,
Department of Theoretical Physics)
270. A. Mary Selvam and Suvarna Fadnavis,
1998: Signatures of a universal spectrum for atmospheric interannual variability
in some disparate climatic regimes. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics66,
269. R. R. Joshi and A. M. Selvam, 1997: Universal
spectrum for atmospheric low frequency variability: Implications for prediction
of monsoon intraseasonal variability. Int’l symposium TROPMET Dec.
2-5, New Delhi, India.
268. A. Mary Selvam, Suvarna Fadnavis and
S. U. Athale, 1997: Fractal nature of TOGA surface pressure time series.
10th National Space Science Symposium (NSSS-97) 26/27 November,
Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India.
267. Suvarna Fadnavis and A. M. Selvam, 1997:
Universal spectrum for interannual variability of rainfall over India and
Scotland: Implication for prediction. 10th National Space Science Symposium
(NSSS-97) 26/27 November, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad,
266. A. M. Selvam, 1997: Universal quantification
for self-organized criticality in atmospheric flows. Proc. Patterns,
Nonlinear Variability and Stochastic Behaviour in Spatially Extended Complex
Systems (PNS’97), October 28, Budapest, Hungary, Hungarian Academy
of Sciences.
265. A. Mary Selvam, 1997: Chaos, quantum-like
mechanics and non-locality in atmospheric flows. Proc. Causality and
Locality in Modern Physics and Astronomy: Open Questions and Possible Solutions
- A Symposium to honour Jean -Pierre Vigier, York University, Toronto,
Canada, August 25-29.
264. R. R. Joshi and A. M. Selvam, 1997: Self-organized
criticality in climate dynamics. Amer. Meteorol. Soc. 10th Conf. Applied
Climatology, Fall 1997, Western USA.
263. J. S. Pethkar and A. M. Selvam, 1997:
Universal spectrum for natural variability of climate: Implications for
climate change. Amer. Meteorol. Soc. 10th Conf. Applied Climatology,
Fall 1997, Western USA.
262. A. M. Selvam, 1997: Chaos and quantumlike
mechanics in atmospheric flows: A superstring theory for super gravity.
Eighth Grossmann Meeting, Givat Ram Campus of the Hebrew University,
Jerusalem, June 22-27. On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental
General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories, Session
7: Cosmology, Chaos in GR.
261. A. M. Selvam, M. K. Kulkarni, J. S. Pethkar
and R. Vijayakumar, 1997: Signatures of a universal spectrum for atmospheric
gravity waves in southern oscillation index time series. IITM. Research
Report No. RR-074.
260. A. Mary Selvam, 1997: The dynamics of
fullerene structure formation: Order out of chaos phenomenon. The 3rd
International Workshop Fullerenes and Atomic Clusters --- IWFAC
'97, June 30 - July 4, Ioffe Physico-Technical Institue, 26 Polytechnicheskaya,
194021 St. Petersburg, Russia.
259. A. M. Selvam, D. Sen and S. M. S.Mody,
1997: A study of circadian rhythm and meteorological factors influencing
acute myocardial infarction. IITM Research Report No. RR-073,
April 1997.
258. A. M. Selvam and S. U. Athale, 1997:
Universal spectrum for atmospheric low frequency variability in global
TOGA mean sea level pressure time series. Proc. AMS 22nd Conference
on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 19-23 May, Fort Collins, Colorado,
257*. J. S. Pethkar and A. M. Selvam, 1997:
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos: Applications for prediction of weather and
climate. Proc. TROPMET 97, Bangalore, India, 10-14 February.
256. R. R. Joshi and A. M. Selvam, 1997: Identification
of self-organized criticality in atmospheric low frequency variability.
Proc. TROPMET 97, Bangalore, India, 10-14 February.
255. A. M. Selvam, Suvarna Fadnavis, S. U.Athale
and M. I. R. Tinmaker, 1997: Enhancement in surface atmospheric pressure
variability associated with a major geomagnetic storm. Proc. IAGA, 8th
Scientific assembly of IAGA with ICMA and STP Symposia, Uppsala, August
254. A. M. Selvam and M. Radhamani, 1996:
Universal spectrum for sunspot number variability. IITM Research ReportNo.
253. J. S. Pethkar and A. M. Selvam, 1996:
Universal spectrum for interannual variability in COADS surface pressure
time series. National Seminar on Climate Variability and Predictability,
Sept. 18-19, Silver Jubilee Celebration, Cochin University of Science and
Technology, India.
252. R. R. Joshi and A. M. Selvam, 1996: Universal
spectrum for atmospheric interannual variability in global COADS temperature
time series. National Seminar on Climate Variability and Predictability,
Sept. 18-19, Silver Jubilee Celebration, Cochin University of Science and
Technology, India.
251. A. M. Selvam and V. V. Sapre, 1996: Fractal
nature of TOGA temperature time series. National Seminar on Climate
Variability and Predictability, Sept. 18-19, Silver Jubilee Celebration,
Cochin University of Science and Technology, India.
250. A. M. Selvam and V.V. Sapre, 1996: Multifractal
structure of resolution (time) dependent variance of global TOGA temperature
time series for the five-year period 1986-1990. Proc. Workshop on Resolution
Dependence and Multifractals in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information
Systems, June 11-12. Groups for the ANALYSIS OF NONLINEAR Variability
in GEOPHYSICS, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
249. A. M. Selvam and V.V. Sapre, 1996: Fractal
nature of MONTBLEX time series data. IITM Research Report No.
248. A. Mary Selvam, 1998: Quasicrystalline
pattern formation in fluid substrates and phyllotaxis. In "Symmetry
in Plants", D. Barabe and R. V. Jean (Editors), World Scientific Series
in Mathematical Biology and Medicine, Volume 4., Singapore, pp.795-809.
247. A. M. Selvam and V. V. Sapre, 1996: The
relationship between fractal dimension and relative dispersion. Proc. XXI
General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, The Hague, 6-10 May,
Session OA25/NP2.3 Scaling, Fractals and Nonlinearity in Oceans and
246. A. M. Selvam, J. S. Pethkar, M. K. Kulkarni
and R. Vijayakumar: 1996: Signatures of a universal spectrum for atmospheric
interannual variability in COADS surface pressure time series. Int'l.
J. Climatol. 16, 393-404.
245. A. M. Selvam, D. Sen and S. M. S. Mody,1996:
A study of circadian rhythm and meteorological factors influencing acute
myocardial infarction. Proc. Amer. Meteorol. Soc. 12th Conf. Biometeorology
and Aerobiology, 28 Jan-2 Feb 1996, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
244. A. Mary Selvam and M. Radhamani, 1995:
A universal spectrum for fluxes of energetic charged particles from the
earth's magnetosphere. IITM Research Report No. RR-063.
243. A. Mary Selvam, J. S. Pethkar and M.
K. Kulkarni, 1995: Some unique characteristics of atmospheric interannual
variability in rainfall time series over India and the United Kingdom.
Adv. Atmos. Sci. 12(3), 377-385.
242. A. M. Selvam and M. Radhamani, 1995:
Universal spectrum for short period (days) variability in atmospheric total
ozone. Mausam 46(3), 297-303.
241. A. M. Selvam, 1995: Deterministic chaos,
self-organized criticality and quantum-like mechanics in atmospheric flows.
Session OA22/NP1-3, Scaling, Fractals and Nonlinear Variability II Proc.
XX General Assembly European Geophysical Society, Hamburg, Germany,
3-7 April.
240. A. M. Selvam, M. Radhamani and R. Sumathi,
1995: Signatures of land-ocean contrast in power spectra of TOGA temperatures.
Proc. TOGA 95 Int'l. Scientific Conference, Melbourne, Australia,
2-7 April.
239. A. M. Selvam and M. Radhamani, 1994:
Self-organized criticality in atmospheric flows: Implications for prediction.
Proc. Amer. Meteorol. Soc. 10th Conf. Num. Weather Prediction, 18-22
July, Portland, Oregon, USA.
238. A. M. Selvam and M. Radhamani, 1994:
Universal spectrum for boundary layer fluxes of sensible heat and momentum.
Proc. 6th AMS Conf. Mesoscale processes, 17-22 July, Portland, Oregon,
237. A. M. Selvam, R. Vijayakumar and A. S.
R. Murty, 1993: Variations in the atmospheric electric field and meteorological
parameters at a tropical coastal urban station during 1936-40 and 1962-66.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 48, 15-22.
236. A. M. Selvam, R. R. Joshi and R. Vijayakumar,
1994: Signatures of a universal spectrum for atmospheric interannual variability
in COADS temperature time series. IITM Research Report No. RR-060.
235. A. M. Selvam, M. K. Kulkarni, J. S. Pethkar
and R. Vijayakumar, 1994: Identification of a universal spectrum for nonlinear
variability of solar-geophyscial parameters. IITM Research ReportNo.
234. A. M. Selvam and M. Radhamani, 1994:
Identification of self-organized criticality in the interannual variability
of global surface temperature. IITM Research Report No. RR-061.
233. A. M. Selvam and R. R. Joshi, 1995: Universal
spectrum for interannual variability in COADS global air and sea surface
temperatures. Int'l. J. Climatol. 15, 613–623.
232. A. M. Selvam, 1994: Deterministic Chaos
and Numerical Weather Prediction. IITM Research Report No. RR-058.
231. A. M. Selvam, 1994: Deterministic chaos
and numerical weather prediction. World Climate Research Program. Int'l.
Conf. Monsoon Variability and Prediction, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 9-13
230. A. M. Selvam and R. R. Joshi, 1994: Universal
spectrum for atmospheric interannual variability: Implications for prediction.
World Climate Research Program. Int'l. Conf. Monsoon Variability and
Prediction, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 9-13 May.
229. A. M. Selvam and M. Radhamani, 1994:
Signatures of a universal spectrum for nonlinear variability in daily columnar
total ozone content. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 11(3), 335-342.
228. A. M. Selvam, 1994: Self-organized adaptive
networks in atmospheric flows: A model for neural networks of the human
brain. Proc. Towards a Scientific Basis of Consciousness, April
12-17, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA.
227. A. M. Selvam, 1994: Deterministic chaos:
Implications for Numerical cloud/weather modification models. WMP Report
No.22 Sixth WMO Scientific Conference, Weather Modification. Paestum
Italy, 30 May-4 June, 545-548.
226. A. M. Selvam and R. R. Joshi, 1994: Universal
spectrum for interannual variability in COADS temperature time series:
Implications for global warming. Proc. TROPMET-94, National Symposium
on Climate Variability, 8-11 February 1994, IITM, Pune, India.
225. A. M. Selvam and M. Radhamani, 1994:
Universal spectrum for intraseasonal variability in TOGA temperature time
series. Proc. TROPMET-94 National Symposium on Climate Variability,
8-11 February, IITM, Pune, India.
224. A. M. Selvam, 1994: Deterministic chaos
and climate prediction. Proc. TROPMET-94, National Symposium on Climate
Variability, 8-11 February 1994, IITM, Pune, India.
223. A. M. Selvam, R. R. Joshi and R. Vijayakumar,
1994: Self-organized criticality in COADS temperature time series: Implications
for climate prediction. Proc. Int'l. Conf. Global Climate Change: Science,
Policy and Mitigation Strategies, April 5-8, Phoenix, Arizona, 196-205.
222. A. M. Selvam,1994: The Physics
of deterministic chaos : Implications for Global Climate Model Predictions.
Proc. Int'l. Conf. Global Climate Change : Science, Policy and Mitigation
Strategies, April 5-8, 1994, Phoenix, Arizona. pp.412-417.
221. A. M. Selvam and M. Radhamani, 1993:
Identification of self-organized criticality in atmospheric total ozone
variability. IITM Research Report No. RR-057.
220. A. M. Selvam and R. R. Joshi, 1994: Identification
of self-organized criticality in the interannual variability of global
COADS temperature time series. Proc. Sixth Conf. Climate Variations,
23-28 January, Amer. Meteorol. Soc., Tennesse, USA.
219. A. M. Selvam, M. Radhamani and R. Vijayakumar,
1993: Signatures of self-organized criticality in global 1000 mb TOGA temperature
time series. Proc. Chapman/IAPSO Conference on Fractals, Chaos and Predictability
in Oceanography and Meteorology. Sept. 20-22, Galway, Ireland.
218. A. M. Selvam, 1993: Signatures of self-organized
criticality in TOGA monthly mean sea-level time series. Proc. Chapman/IAPSO
Conference on Fractals, Chaos and Predictability in Oceanography and Meteorology.
Sept. 20-22, Galway, Ireland.
217. A. M. Selvam, 1993: The physics of deterministic
chaos in computer realizations of nonlinear dynamical systems. Proc. Chapman/IAPSO
Conference on Fractals, Chaos and Predictability in Oceanography and Meteorology.
Sept. 20-22, Galway, Ireland.
216. D. B. Jadhav, A. L. Londhe and A. M.
Selvam, 1993: Self-organized criticality in atmospheric luminescence: Applications
for study of molecular level turbulence. Proc. International Conference
on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, August
9-13, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT., USA.
215. A. M. Selvam, 1993: Airborne measurements
of larger-than-clear air values for electrical conductivity inside warm
monsoon clouds: Implications for electrification mechanism. Proc. Symposium
M1: IAMAP-IAHS-IAGA Symposium on Atmospheric Electricity 16-17 July,
Yokohama, Japan.
214. A. Mary Selvam, 1993: Universal quantification
for deterministic chaos in dynamical systems. Applied Mathematical Modelling,
17, 642-649.
213. A. M. Selvam and V. V. Sapre, 1993: Fractal
nature of MONTBLEX time series data. Proc. Second Monitoring Workshop
on MONTBLEX research results, 26-27 Mar., IITM, Pune, India.
212. M. Radhamani and A. M. Selvam, 1993:
Universal spectrum for turbulent fluxes of sensible heat and momentum from
MONTBLEX-89 data sets. Proc. Second Monitoring Workshop on MONTBLEX
research results, 21-27 Mar., IITM, Pune, India.
211. A. Mary Selvam, 1993: The physics of
fullerenes. Proc. FULLERENES ' 93, First International Interdisciplinary
Colloquium on the Science and Technology of the Fullerenes, June 27
- July 1, Santa Barbarba, California, USA.
210. A. M. Selvam, 1993: Universal quantification
for self-organized criticality in chaotic dynamical systems. Proc. Scaling,
Fractals and Nonlinear Variability in Geophysics at the XVIII European
Geophysical Society General Assembly, Wiesbaden, 3-7 May.
209. A. M. Selvam, M. K. Kulkarni, J. S. Pethkar
and R. Vijayakumar, 1993: Universal quantification for self-organized criticality
in solar geophysical parameters. Proc. Scaling, Fractals and Nonlinear
Variability in Geophysics at the XVIII European Geophysical Society General
Assembly, Wiesbaden, 3-7 May.
208. A. M. Selvam, M. Radhamani and R. Vijayakumar,
1993: Spontaneous organization of intelligent fuzzy logic networks in atmospheric
flows. Proc. NAECON '93 (IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference),
Dayton, Ohio, May 24-28.
207. A. M. Selvam and R. R. Joshi, 1993: Signatures
of a universal spectrum for atmospheric interannual variability in COADS
temperature time series over the southern hemisphere. Proc. Fourth Int'l.
Conf. Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography, March 29 -April
2, Hobart, Australia.
206. A. M. Selvam and J. S. Pethkar, 1993:
Signatures of a universal spectrum for atmospheric interannual variability
in COADS pressure time series over the southern hemisphere. Proc. Fourth
Int'l. Conf. Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography, March
29 -April 2, Hobart, Australia.
205. A. Mary Selvam, 1992: Deterministic chaos:
Implications for numerical long- range weather prediction. Proc. Yale
Mintz Memorial Symposium on Climate and Climate Change, Jerusalem,
December 28-31.
204. A. Mary Selvam, 1993: A Universal spectrum
for interannual variability of monsoon rainfall over India. Adv. Atmos.
Sci. 10(2), 221-226.
203. A. M. Selvam, 1993: Signatures of a universal
spectrum for atmospheric interannual variability in hemispheric and global
annual surface temperatures. Proc. 8th AMS Conf. Applied Climatology,
Jan 17-22, Anaheim, California, USA.
202. P. Ernest Raj, P. C. S. Devara, A. M.
Selvam and A. S. R. Murty, 1993: Aircraft observations of electrical conductivity
in warm clouds. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 10(1), 95-102.
201. A. M. Selvam and M. Radhamani, 1992:
Self-organized criticality in sunspot number variability. Proc. AGU-CGU-MSA
Joint Spring Meeting, May 12- 16, Montreal, Canada
200. A. M. Selvam, M. K. Kulkarni, J. S. Pethkar
and R. Vijayakumar, 1992: Signatures of a universal spectrum for atmospheric
interannual variability in COADS pressure time series over the Indian ocean
region. Proc. 5th Int'l. Meeting on Statistical Climatology, June
22-26, Toronto, Canada. 543-546.
199. A. M. Selvam, J. S. Pethkar and R. Vijayakumar,
1992: Signatures of a universal spectrum for atmospheric interannual variability
in southern oscillation index time series. Proc. Nat'l. Space Science
Symposium, Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, India,
March 11-14.
198. A. M. Selvam and M. Radhamani, 1992:
Self-organized criticality in atmospheric total ozone. Proc. Nat'l.
Space Science Symposium, Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura,
Ahmedabad, India, March 11-14.
197. A. M. Selvam, K. G. Vernekar, M. Radhamani
and S. Saxena, 1992: Montblex flux spectra of sensible heat and momentum
at 8m: Implications for bulk parameterization in climate models. Proc.
Nat'l. Space Science Symposium, Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura,
Ahmedabad, India, March 11-14.
196. A. M. Selvam, R. R. Joshi and R. Vijayakumar,
1992: Signatures of a universal spectrum for atmospheric interannual variability
in COADS sea surface temperature time series. Proc.12th Conf. Probability
and Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences (12 PSAS), Toronto, Canada,
22- 26 June, 22-27.
195. A. M. Selvam and M. Radhamani, 1992:
Identification of self-organized criticality in atmospheric total ozone
variability. Proc. Int'l. Symp. Middle Atmospheric Sciences, (MAS Symposium),
Kyoto, Japan, 23-27 March.
194. Mary Selvam Amujuri, 1991: Cell dynamical
system model for intense atmospheric vortices tropical cyclones. Fifth
International Symposium on Tropical Meteorology, Obninsk (USSR), May-June.
193. P. Ernest Raj, P. C. S. Devara, A. M.
Selvam and A. S. R. Murty, 1992: Aircraft observations of electrical conductivity
in warm clouds. Proc. 9th Int'l. Conf. Atmospheric Electricity,
St. Petersburg, USSR, 15-19 June.
192. A. Mary Selvam, 1991: A cell dynamical
system model for geomagnetic field variations. Symposium on Modern Trends
in Geomagnetic studies at Low Latitudes, Dec. 2-4, Indian Institue
of Geomagnetism, Bombay, India.
191. A. M. Selvam and M. Radhamani, 1991:
Universal spectrum for energetic charged particles from the earth's magnetosphere.
Symposium on Modern Trends in Geomagnetic studies at Low Latitudes,
Dec. 2-4, Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Bombay, India.
190. A. M. Selvam, R. R. Joshi and R. Vijayakumar,
1991: Signature of quantum-like mechanics and deterministic chaos in COADS
temperature time series: A new physics for mesoscale meteorology. Proc.
International Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and TAMEX, 3-6
December, Taipei, Taiwan.
189. A. Mary Selvam, J. S. Pethkar and M.
K. Kulkarni, 1992: Signatures of a universal spectrum for atmospheric interannual
variability in rainfall time series over the Indian Region. Int'l J.
Climatol. 12, 137-152.
188. A. Mary Selvam and R. Vijayakumar, 1991:
Chaos in finite precision computer arithmetic and implications for numerical
weather prediction. Proc. 9th Conf. Numerical Weather Prediction,
Amer. Meteorol. Soc. 14-18 Oct., Denver, Colorado, USA
187. A. Mary Selvam, 1991: Self-organized
criticality: A signature of quantum-like mechanics in model and real world
dynamical systems. Int'l. Conf. Complex Systems: Fractals, Spin Glasses
and Neural Networks, 2-6 July, Miramate-Trieste, Italy.
186. A. Mary Selvam, S. M. Sholapurkar and
J. S. Pethkar, 1991: Signature of a universal spectrum for atmospheric
gravity waves in southern oscillation index time series. 8th Conf. Atmos.
and Oceanic Waves and Stability, Oct 14-18, Denver, Colo., Amer. Meteorol.
185. A. Mary Selvam, J. S. Pethkar and S.
M. Sholapurkar, 1991: Signatures of a universal spectrum for atmospheric
interannual variability in COADS surface pressure time series. Proc. 5th
Conf. Climate Variations, 14-18 Oct., Denver, Colo., Amer. Meteorol.
184. R. Vijayakumar and A. Mary Selvam, 1991:
Self-similar micro-scale structures in the atmospheric boundary layer:
A signature of deterministic chaos. Proc. Session NP1: Chaos, Turbulence
and Non-linear Variability in Geophysics XVI, General Assembly of the European
Geophys. Soc., Wiesbaden, 22-26 April.
183. A. Mary Selvam and R. Vijayakumar, 1991:
Chaos in finite precision computer arithmetic and implications for modelling
atmospheric processes. Proc. Session NP1: Chaos, Turbulence and Non-linear
Variability in Geophysics XVI, General Assembly of the European Geophys.
Soc., Wiesbaden, 22-26 April.
182. A. Mary Selvam, J. S. Pethkar and S.
M. Sholapurkar: Deterministic chaos: A signature of self-organised quantum-like
mechanics in atmospheric flows. Proc. Session NP1: Chaos, Turbulence
and Non-linear Variability in Geophysics XVI, General Assembly of the European
Geophys. Soc., Wiesbaden, 22-26 April.
181. A. Mary Selvam and R. R. Joshi, 1991:
Sunspot variability: A signature of self-organized quantum-like mechanics
in solar plasma dynamics. Proc. Session NP1: Chaos, Turbulence and Non-linear
Variability in Geophysics XVI, General Assembly of the European Geophys.
Soc., Wiesbaden, 22-26 April.
180. A. Mary Selvam, R. Vijayakumar
and A. S. R.Murty, 1991: Some physical aspects of summer monsoon clouds-
comparison of cloud model results with observations. Adv. Atmos. Sci.
8(1), 111-124, 1991.
179. A. Mary Selvam, J. S. Pethkar and S.
M. Sholapurkar, 1991: Signatures of quantum-like mechanics and deterministic
chaos in atmospheric flows. 8th Symposium on turbulent shear flows,
Technical University of Munich, Munich, F. R. Germany, Sept.9-11.
178. A. M. Selvam, S. M. Sholapurkar and J.
S. Pethkar, 1991: Signatures of self-organized quantum-like mechanics and
deterministic chaos in solar-geophysical parameters. Proc. Pacific Regional
STEP Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C, April 10-12.
177. A. M. Selvam, J. S. Pethkar and S. M.
Sholapurkar, 1991: Signatures of quantum-like mechanics and deterministic
chaos in COADS surface pressure time series and implications for long-range
forecasting. Proc. ICTP/WMO Int'l. Conf. Long-range weather forecasting
research, Trieste, Italy, 8-12 April.
176. A. Mary Selvam, 1991: A cell dynamical
system model for deterministic chaos. Proc. Eighth Int'l. Conf. Mathematical
and Computer modelling, 1-4 April. University of Maryland at College
Park, College Park, Maryland USA.
175. A. Mary Selvam, 1991: Deterministic chaos:
A signature of quantum like mechanics in self-organized adaptive networks.
Proc. IEEE, NAECON 91, Dayton, May 20-24.
174. A. Mary Selvam, R. Vijayakumar, G. K.
Manohar and A. S. R. Murty, 1991: Electrical, microphysical and dynamical
observations in summer monsoon clouds, Atmospheric Research 26,
173. A. Mary Selvam, J. S. Pethkar and S.
M. Sholapurkar, 1990: Signatures of quantum-like mechanics and deterministic
chaos in geophysical parameters. Proc. Int'l. Symp. Optical and Radio
Remote Sensing of the Atmospheric Environment, 24-26 Oct., New Delhi,
172. A. Mary Selvam, 1990: A cell dynamical
system model for diffusion in condensed media. Int'l. Conf. Rate Processes
in Dissipative Systems: 50 years after Kramers, September 10-13, Evangelische
Akademie Tutzing/Germany.
171. A. Mary Selvam, 1990: The quantum-mechanical
reality underlying fluid flows: A cell dynamical system model. Proc. 8th
EPS General Conference, Trends in Physics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
4-8 September.
170. N. Jayanthi, Akilesh Gupta and A. Mary
Selvam, 1990: The fractal geometry of winter monsoon clouds over Indian
region. Mausam 41(4), 579-582.
169. A. Mary Selvam, 1990: The universal algorithm
for deterministic chaos in digital computer realizations of non-linear
mathematical models of physical systems. Proc. First Latinamerican Conf.
Applications of Mathematics and Computer Science in Biology, National
Center for Scientific Research, Oct.31 - Nov.3, Havana City, Cuba.
168*. A. Mary Selvam, 1990: Deterministic
chaos, fractals and quantum-like mechanics in atmospheric flows. Canadian
J. Physics 68, 831-841.
167. A. Mary Selvam, 1990: The universal algorithm
governing deterministic chaos in nonlinear mathematical models of physical
systems. Proc. CP90 Europhysics Conference on Computational Physics,
Amsterdam, 10-13 September.
166. A. Mary Selvam, 1990: Atmospheric low
frequency variability: A signature of deterministic chaos in atmospheric
flows. Proc. International TOGA Scientific Conference, Honolulu,
16-19 July.
165. A. Mary Selvam, 1990: A cell dynamical
system model for turbulent shear flows in the planetary atmospheric boundary
layer. Proc. 9th Symp. Turbulence and Diffusion, April 30-May 3,
Amer. Meteorol. Soc., Roskilde, Denmark, 262-265.
164. A. Mary Selvam, 1990: Deterministic chaos
in atmospheric flows as a model for neural networks. Proc. NAECON, IEEE,
USA, May 21-25.
163. A. Mary Selvam, 1990: The physics of
deterministic chaos in atmospheric flows and applications to modelling
of weather systems. Proc. Natl. Space Science Symposium, March 5-9,
Nagpur, University, Nagpur, India.
162. A. G. Pillai and A. M. Selvam, 1989:
Association between giant hydroscopic condensation nuclei and meteorological
parameters at a tropical station. Proc. First (IASTA) Annual Conference
on Aerosol Science- A perspective on Research and Development in India,
Poona, March 1989, 44-48.
161. A. Mary Selvam, 1989: Deterministic chaos,
fractals and quantum mechanics in atmospheric flows. Proc. (Abstracts)
Int'l. Conf. Kinetics of Non-homogeneous processes, 7-13 Oct., Banff,
160. A. Mary Selvam, 1988: Cell dynamical
system model for thundercloud electrification. Proc. Int'l. Conf. Lightning
and Static Electricity, 26-28 September, University of Bath, U. K.
159. A. Mary Selvam, 1989: Cell dynamical
system model for deterministic chaos in atmospheric flows. Proc. (Abstracts)
Seventh Int'l. Conf. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2-5 August,
Chicago, Illinois, USA.
158. A. Mary Selvam, 1989: Cell dynamical
system model for atmospheric low frequency variability. Proc. Fifth
Scientific Assembly, IAMAP, 31 July -11 August, University of Reading,
U. K.
157. A. Mary Selvam, 1989: Deterministic chaos
model for self-organised adaptive networks in atmospheric flows. Proc.
41st Nat'l. Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON 89) 22-28
May, Dayton, Ohio, USA.
156. A. Mary Selvam, 1989: The deterministic
chaos model for cloud growth processes and interaction with environment.
Proc. 5th WMO Scientific Conf. Weather Modification and Applied Cloud
Physics Modification, 8-12 May, Beijing, China, 235-238.
155. A. Mary Selvam, 1989: Deterministic chaos
model for the prediction of climatological weather cycles. Proc. 4th
Int'l. Meet. on Statistical Climatology (4IMSC), Rotorua, New Zealand,
154. A. Mary Selvam, 1989: Wave cybernetics
model for deterministic chaos in atmospheric flows. Proc. Symp. Chaos,
Turbulence and Non-linear variability in Geophysics, XIV Gen. Assembly
of the European Geophysical Society, Barcelona, Spain, 13-17 March.
153. A. Mary Selvam, 1989: Quasi-crystalline
structure: A signature of deterministic chaos in atmospheric flows. Proc.
European Phys. Soc. 9th Gen. Conf. Condensed Matter Division, Nice.
France, March 6-9.
152. D. B. Jadhav, A. M. Selvam and A. S.
R. Murty,1988: Cylindrical field mill for monitoring three vectors
of electric field. J. Instrument Soc. India 18(3), 193-199.
151. A. Mary Selvam, 1988: Deterministic chaos
in atmospheric flows and predictability of weather system. Proc. III
Inter-American III Mexican Congress of Meteorology, 14-18 Nov., Mexico
150. A. Mary Selvam, 1988: The dynamics of
nonlinear effects in optical processes. J. Luminescence 40-41,
149. A. Mary Selvam, 1988: The universal theory
of deterministic chaos with cellular automata computational technique for
the numerical simulation of weather systems. Int'l. Conf. Tropical Meteorology,
Brisbane, Australia, 4-8 July.
148. A. Mary Selvam, 1988: Dynamics of deterministic
chaos in atmospheric electricity models. 8th Int'l. Conf. on Atmospheric
Electricity, Uppsala, Sweden, June 13-16.
147. A. Mary Selvam, 1988: Dynamics of deterministic
chaos and applications to modelling of severe local storms. 15th AMS
Conf. Severe Local Storms, Feb. 22-26, Baltimore, Md., USA.
146. A. Mary Selvam, 1988: The dynamics of
deterministic chaos in numerical weather prediction models. 8th AMS
Conf. Numerical Weather Prediction, Feb., Baltimore, Md., USA.
145. Poonam Sikka, A. Mary Selvam and A. S.
Ramachandra Murty, 1988: Possible solar influence on atmospheric
electric field. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 5(2), 217-228.
144. A. Mary Selvam, 1987: The dynamics of
deterministic chaos in atmospheric mesoscale models. Second Inter-American
Meteorological Congress and CONGREMET V, 30 Nov. - 4 Dec., Buenos Aires,
143. A. Mary Selvam, 1987: The dynamics of
chaos in optics. Proc. 14th Congress of the International Commission
for Optics, 24-28 August, Canada.
142. A. Mary Selvam, 1987: The dynamics of
non-linear effects in optical processes. Proc. International Conference
on Luminescence, (ICL'87), Beijing, China, Aug. 17-21. Journal of
Luminescence 40 & 41 (1988) 535-536.
141. A. Mary Selvam, 1987: The role of noise
as an essential precursor to signal in physical systems. Proc. 9th International
Conference on Noise in Physical systems, 25-29 May, University of Montreal,
140. A. Mary Selvam, 1987: The dynamics of
deterministic chaos in single mode optical fiber laser transmission. Proc.
National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON'87), 18-22
May, Ohio, USA.
139. A. Mary Selvam, 1987: Remote sensing
of geomagnetic field and applications to climate prediction. Proc. International
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'87), 18-21 May, Michigan,
138. A. Mary Selvam, 1987: The dynamics of non-linear ionospheric rf wave processes. Seventh American Physical Society Topical
Conference on Applications of Radio Frequency Power to Plasmas arranged
under the auspices of the Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory,
4-6 May, Florida, USA.
137. A. Mary Selvam, 1987: Dynamics of organised
chaos in subatomic to astrophysical phenomena. Proc. XI International
Conference on Particles and Nuclei (PANIC'87), 20-24 April, Kyoto,
136. G. K. Manohar, S. S. Kandalgaonkar, A.
M. Selvam and A. S. R Murty, 1987: Atmospheric electric field observations
in the maritime environments along the coastline of peninsular India. European
Geophysical Society, 12th General Assembly, Strasbourgh, France, 9-14,
135. A. Mary Selvam, 1987: A physical basis
for self-similarity and evolution of mesoscale cloud clusters (MCC) in
the atmospheric boundary layer. Seventh Conference on Hurricane and
Tropical Meteorology, Amer. Meteorol. Soc. Miami, Florida, USA, 7-19
134. A. Mary Selvam, 1987: Self-similarity
in atmospheric processes and applications to climate prediction. AMS
Conference on Applied Climatology, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 9-13 March.
133. A. Mary Selvam,1987: Observations
of atmospheric electric field in the environment of a thermal power plant.
Proc. International Conference on Energy Transformations and Inter-actions
with small and Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes, 2-6 March 1987, Switzerland.
132. A. Mary Selvam and A. S. R. Murty, 1987:
Simulation of urban effect on cloud physical parameters. Proc. International
Conference on Energy Transformations and Interactions with Small and Mesoscale
Atmospheric Processes, 2-6 March, Switzerland.
131. A. Mary Selvam and A. S. R. Murty, 1987:
Self-similarity of atmospheric processes and its application for prediction
of climate. Proc. Conf. Mechanisms of Interannual and Long-Term Climatic
Variations, 8-12 Dec., Melbourne, Australia.
130. Poona Mehra, R. Vijayakumar and
A. Mary Selvam, 1986: Measurement of atmospheric total ozone by filter
photometeric method. J. Atmos. Chem. 4, 335-342.
129. A. Mary Selvam, 1986: A gravity wave
feedback mechanism for the evolution of mesoscale cloud cluster (MCC).
Proc. Int'l. Conf. Monsoon and Mesoscale Meteorology with MSRCC,
Nov. 4-7, Taipei, Taiwan.
128. D. B. Jadhav, A. M. Selvam and
A. S. R. Murty, 1986: Cylindrical field mill for monitoring the three vectors
of electric field. Proc. National Symposium on Instrumentation (NSI-11),
Hyderabad, 1-4 October 1986.
127. A. Mary Selvam and A. S. R. Murty, 1986:
A physical hypothesis for the observed scale invariant characteristics
of atmospheric phenomena. Proc. Workshop on Scaling, Fractals and Non-linear
Varability in Geophysics-Fundamentals and Applications, 25-29 August,
McGill University, Canada.
126. S. K. Paul, A. G. Pillai, A. M.
Selvam and A. S. R. Murty, 1985: Characteristics of cloud drop spectra
in tropical warm clouds. Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH)
123, 930-940.
125. A. S. R. Murty and A. M. Selvam,
1985: Artificial modification of precipitations. Hydrology Review11,
124. A. S. R. Murty and A. M. Selvam, 1985:
Cloud and precipitation mechanism in the monsoon. Proc. WMO Regional
Workshop on Asian Summer Monsoon, New Delhi, India, 4-8 November, WMO
TPM Report 19, 89-94.
123. A. S. R. Murty, A. M. Selvam and
P. C. S. Devara, 1985: Ice nucleating characteristics of Capparis Aphylla,
an Indian herb. Journal de Recherches Atmospheriques 19,
122. S. K. Paul, S. K. Sharma, A. Mary Selvam
and A. S. R. Murty, 1985: Aircraft observations of hygroscopic & ice
nuclei at a tropical station. Journal de Recherches Atmospheriques19,
121. S. S. Parasnis, A. Mary Selvam, A. S.
R. Murty and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1985: Geostrophic balance over the Arabian
sea and Bay of Bengal regions. Pure and Applied Geophysics 123,
120. S. S. Parasnis, A. Mary Selvam and Bh.
V. Ramana Murty, 1985: Variations of thermodynamical parameters in the
atmospheric boundary layer in the Deccan Plateau region, India. Pure
and Applied Geophysics 23, 305-313.
119*. A. Mary Selvam and A. S. R. Murty, 1985:
Numerical simulation of warm rain process. Proc. 4th WMO Scientific
Conf. on Weather Modification, 12-14 August, Honolulu, Hawaii, 503-506.
118. A. Mary Selvam and A. S. R. Murty, 1985:
Application of ratio estimators in the numerical simulation of weather
modification experiments. Proc. of the 4th WMO Scientific Conf. on Weather
Modification, 12-14 August 1985, Honolulu, Hawaii, 507-512.
117. A. S. R. Murty, A. M. Selvam, S. S. Parasnis
and Bh. V. RamanaMurty, 1985: Warm cloud dynamical response to salt seeding.
Proc. 4th WMO Scientific Conf. on Weather Modification, 12-14, August,
Honolulu, Hawaii, 489-492.
116. A. S. R. Murty, A. M. Selvam, G. K. Manohar,
P. C. S. Devara, P. E. Raj and S. S. Kandalgaonkar, 1985: Warm cloud electrical
and thermodynamical responses to salt seeding. Proc. of the 4th WMO
Scientific Conf. on Weather modification, 12-14 August 1985, Honolulu,
Hawaii, 493-496.
115. A. S. R. Murty, S. K. Paul, A. Mary Selvam,
S. K. Sharma, A. G. Pillai and Bh. V. RamanaMurty, 1985: Warm cloud microphysical
responses to salt seeding. Proc. 4th WMO Scientific Conf. on Weather
modification, 12-14 August, Honolulu, Hawaii, 485-488.
114. A. S. R. Murty, R. N. Chatterjee, A.
Mary Selvam, B. K. Mukherjee, L. T. Khemani and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1985:
Results of randomised warm cloud modification experiment conducted using
aircraft in Maharashtra State, India durng 9 Summer monsoon seasons (1973-74,
1976, 1979-1984). Proc. of the 4th WMO Scientific Conf. on Weather Modification,
12-14 August 1985, Honolulu, Hawaii, 477-482.
113. P. E. Raj, A. M. Selvam and A. S. R.
Murty, 1985: Occurrence of mid-latitude sporadic-E due to thunderstorms.
Proc. V. Scientific Assembly of International Association for Geophysics
and Aeronomy (IAGA), Prague, Czech, 5-17 August.
112. S. S. Parasnis, A. M. Selvam and Bh.
V. Ramana Murty, 1985: Variation of moisture content in the lower atmosphere
during the summer monsoon. Proc. IV Annual Convention and Seminar on
Hydrology, Hissar, Harayana, 14-16 June 1985.
111. Y. B. Acharya, S. K. Banerjee, A. Jayaraman,
B. H. Subbaraya, K. S. Appu. V. Narayanan, K. Chatterjee, C. R. Sreedharan,
V. D. Gruchinko, G. A. Khokin, V. A. Konokov, I. S. Moshnikov, S. P. Perov,
A. F. Chizhov, O.V. Shtrikov, K. Zalpuri, S. C. Garg, P. Subramanyam, Y.
V. Somayajulu, Bh.V. Ramana Murty, A. M.Selvam, P. Sikka and R. Vijayakumar,
1984: The ozonesonde intercomparison experiment at Thumba. Adv. Space
Res. 4, 1984, 59-68.
110. A. Mary Selvam and A. S. R.Murty, 1984:
A new hypothesis for the generation of gravity waves in the middle atmosphere.
International MAP Symposium, Nov.26-30, Kyoto, Japan.
109. A. S. R. Murty, R. Vijayakumar, P. Sikka,
A. Mary Selvam and Bh. V. RamanaMurty, 1984: Aircraft observations of cloud
condensation nuclei in maritime and continental environments. Proc. XI
Int’l. Conf. Atmospheric Aerosols, Condensation and Ice Nuclei, 2-7
Sept., Budapest, Hungary, 260-264.
108. A. S. R. Murty, A. Mary Selvam et
al., 1984: Ice nucleating characteristics of Capparis Aphylla, an Indian
herb. Proc. XI Int’l. Conf. Atmospheric Aerosols, Condensation and Ice
Nuclei, 2-7 Sept., Budapest, Hungary, 122-126.
107. S. K. Paul, S. K. Sharma, A. Mary Selvam
et al., 1984: Aircraft observations of condensation and ice nuclei
at a tropical station. Proc. XI Int’l. Conf. Atmospheric Aerosols, Condensation
and Ice Nuclei, 2-7 Sept., Budapest, Hungary, 89-93.
106*. A. Mary Selvam, A. S. Ramachandra Murty
and Bh. V. Ramanamurty, 1984: New hypothesis for the vertical distribution
of atmospheric aerosols. Proc. XI Int’l. Conf. Atmospheric Aerosols,
Condensation and Ice Nuclei, 2-7 Sept., Budapest, Hungary, 77-81.
105. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1984: Role
of frictional turbulence in the evolution of cloud systems. Proc. IX
Int’l. Cloud Physics Conf. 21-28 Aug., Tallinn, USSR, 387 -390.
104. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1984: New
physical hypothesis for vertical mixing in clouds. Proc. IX Int’l. Cloud
Physics Conf. 21-28 Aug., Tallinn, USSR, 383-386.
103. S. K. Paul, A. G. Pillai, A. Mary Selvam
et al., 1984: Cloud droplet spectra in warm monsoon clouds. Proc.
IX Int’l. Cloud Physics Conf. 21-28 Aug., Tallinn, USSR, 45-46.
102. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1984: Characteristics
of temperature spectra in warm monsoon clouds. Proc. IX Int’l. Cloud
Physics Conf. 21-28 Aug., Tallinn, USSR, 439-442.
101. P. C. S.Devara, A. Mary Selvam and Bh.
V. Ramana Murty, 1984: Behavior of temperature structure parameters in
cloud and clear air during the summer monsoon. Proc.of IX Int.Cloud
Physics Conf., 21-28 August 1984,Tallinn,USSR, 369- 370.
100. Poonam Sikka, A. Mary Selvam and A. S.
Ramachandra Murty, 1984: Possible solar influence on atmospheric electric
field. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 5(2), 217-228. Preprint Volume VII
International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, June 3-8, 1984,
Albany, N. Y., 148-153, American Meteorological Society, Boston, Mass.,
99. A. Mary Selvam, A. S. Ramachandra Murty,
G. K. Manohar, S. S. Kandalgaonkar, Bh. V. RamanaMurty, 1984: A new mechanism
for the maintenance of fair weather electric field and cloud electrification.
Proc. VII Int’l. Conf. Atmospheric Electricity, 4-8 June, Albany,
New York, 154-159.
98. A. Mary Selvam, A. S. R.Murty and Bh.
V. Ramana Murty, 1984: A new numerical simulation techniques for
weather modification experiments. J. Weather Modification 16,
April 1984, 1-8.
97. S. S. Parasnis, A. M.Selvam and Bh. V.
Ramana Murty, 1983: Probability estimate of cloud base heights and moisture
flux in the planetary boundary layer. Proc. XIII International Conference
on Stochastic Processes and.their Applications, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi,17-21 Dec. 1983.
96. P. Sikka, R. Vijayakumar, A. M. Selvam
and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1983: Remote sensing of atmospheric precipitable
water vapour. Proc. National Space Science Symposium, University
of Poona, 7-10 Dec. 1983.
95. J. S. Petkar, A. M. Selvam and Bh. V.
Ramana Murty, 1983: Rainfall and temperature variations at some of the
urban and non urban.stations in India. Proc. National Space Science
Symposium, University of Poona, 7-10 Dec.1983.
94. A. M. Selvam, P. Sikka, A. S. R. Murty
and Bh. V. RamanaMurty, 1983: Possible solar atmosphere coupling. Proc.
National Space Science Symposium, University of Poona, India, 7-10
93. A. M. Selvam, P. E. Raj, A. S. R. Murty
and Bh. V. RamanaMurty, 1983: On the possible ionosphere-troposphere coupling.
Proc. National Space Science Symposium, University of Poona, India,
7-10 December.
92. A. M.Selvam, G. K. Manohar, A. S. R. Murty
and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1983: Influence of thermal power plants on atmospheric
electrical parameters. Proc. National Space Science Symp. University
of Poona, 7-10 Dec. 1983.
91. A. M. Selvam, G. K. Manohar, S. S. Kandalgaonkar,
A. S. R. Murty and Bh. V. RamanaMurty, 1983: Electrical charge separation
mechanism in monsoon warm cumulus clouds. Proc. National Space Science
Symposium, University of Poona, India, 7-10 December.
90. A. M. Selvam, S. S. Goyal, A. S. R. Murty
and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1983: Dynamical characteristics of warm monsoon
clouds. Proc. National Space Science Symposium, University of Poona,
India, 7-10 December.
89. P. Sikka, R. Vijayakumar, A. M. Selvam
and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1983: Atmospheric ozone determination by Chappius
band absorption. Proc. National Space Science Symp, University of
Poona, 7-10 Dec. 1983
88. P. Sikka, R. Vijayakumar, A. M. Selvam
and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1983: Measurements of atmospheric total ozone
by Chappuis method and comparison with Dobson data. Proc. UGGI/IUGG
XVIII General Assembly, Hamburg, FRG, 15-27 Aug. 1983.
87. A. M. Selvam, G. K. Manohar, S. S. Kandalgaonkar,
A. S. R. Murty and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1983: New charge separation mechanism
in thunderclouds. Proc. UGGI/IUGG XVIII General Assembly, Hamburg,
FRG, 15-27 August.
86. A. M. Selvam, A. S. R. Murty and Bh. V.
Ramana Murty, 1983: New gravity wave feedback mechanism for troposphere
– ionosphere coupling. Proc. UGGI/IUGG XVIII General Assembly, Hamburg,
FRG, 15-27 August.
85. A. M. Selvam, P. E. Raj, A. S. R. Murty
and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1983: Possible urban effects on the ionosphere.
Proc. UGGI/IUGG XVIII General Assembly, Hamburg, FRG, 15-27 August.
84. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1983: Frequent
failure of lightning arresters at Satpura thermal power station, India.
Preliminary results of field observations. Proc.of the International
Conference on Lightning and Static electricity, 21-23 June 1983, Texas,
USA, 12-1 to 12-7.
83. A. M.Selvam, A. S. R.Murty and Bh. V.
Ramana Murty, 1983: Climate responses to Solar activity - a new gravity
wave feedback mechanism. Proc. National Symp. on Climate Dynamics and
Long Range Prediction, P.R.L., Ahmedabad, 22-25 February 1983.
82. A. M.Selvam, J. S. Petkar, A. S. R.Murty
and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1983: Secular trends in rainfall and surface temperature
at some urban and non urban stations in the Indian region. Proc. II
Conf. Climatic Variations, New Orleans, 10-14 Jan.1983.
81. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1983: Variation
in atmospheric nuclei and electrical parameters during the total solar
eclipse 1980. Proc. Conf. Atmospheric Electricity, 28 July -1 August
1980, Manchester, England and in 'Proceedings in Atmospheric Electricity,
L. H. Ruhnke and J. Latham, eds., A. Deepak Publishing 99-101, 1983.
80. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1983: Solar
influence on atmospheric electric field. Proc. Conf.on Atmospheric
Electricity, 28 July - 1 August 1980. Manchester, England and in 'Procedings
in Atmospheric Electricity, L. H. Ruhnke and J. Latham, eds., A. Deepak
publishing 121-124, 1983.
79. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1982: Surface
frictional turbulence as an agent for the maintenance and growth of large
eddies in the atmospheric boundary layer. Proc. Sixth Symposium on 'Turbulence
and Diffusion', 22-25 March 1982, Boston, Massachussetts, 106-109.
78. P. Sikka, R. Vijayakumar, A. Mary Selvam
and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, Retrieval of aerosol size distribution from
extinction measurements and verification with observations at a tropical
77. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1982: Temperature
and humidity spectra in cloud and cloud-free air and associated cloud electrical
and microphysical characteristics. Proc. Conference on 'Cloud Physics',
15-18 November 1982, Chicago, USA, 32-35.
76. S. K. Paul, S. K. Sharma, A. Mary Selvam
et al., 1982: Size distribution of chloride aerosol in the lower
atmosphere over Deccan Plateau, India. Proc. Conf. on 'Cloud Physics',
15-18 November 1982. Chicago,USA, 32-35.
75. A. G. Pillai, A. Mary Selvam et al.,
1982: Harmonic analysis of atmospheric aerosols in maritime environment.
Proc. Conference on 'Cloud Physics', 15-18 Nov. 1982, Chicago,USA,
74. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1982: Evidence
for cloud top entrainment in the summer monsoon warm stratocumulus clouds.
Proc. Conf. on 'Cloud Physics', 15-18 Nov.1982, Chicago, USA
73. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1982: Aircraft
observations of turbulent fluxes of momentum, heat and moisture in the
subcloud layer and associated cloud microphysical and electrical characteristics.
Proc. Conference on 'Cloud Physics', 15-18 Nov. 1982, Chicago,USA,
72. S. S. Parasnis, A. Mary Selvam et al.,
1982: Variations in the radio refractive index of the lower atmosphere
during the summer monsoon. Proc. Regional Scientific Conf. on
'Tropical Meteorology', 18-22 October 1982, Tsukuba, Japan, 193-194.
71. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1982: Spectra
of temperature and humidity fluctuation in the tropical planetary boundary
layer. Proc. Regional Scientific Conf. on 'Tropical Meteorology',
18-22 October 1982, Tsukuba, Japan, 197-198.
70. A. G. Pillai, A. Mary Selvam et al.,
1982: Planetary scale waves in the lower atmosphere. Proc. 'Regional
Scientific Conference on 'Tropical Meteorology', 18-22 October 1982,
Tsukuba, Japan, 111-112.
69. S. K. Paul, A. G. Pillai, S. K. Sharma,
A. Mary Selvam et al., 1982: Observations of cloud drop spectra
in warm stratocumulus clouds and associated cloud dynamical characteristics.
Proc. Regional Scientific Conference on 'Tropical Meteorology',
18-22 October 1982, Tsukuba, Japan, 245-246.
68. S. S. Parasnis, A. L. Londhe, A. Mary
Selvam et al., 1982: Geostrophic balance in the lower atmosphere
over the Arabian sea and Bay of Bengal regions during the summer monsoon.
Proc. Regional Scientific Conf.on 'Tropical Meteorology', 18-22
October 1982, Tsukuba, Japan, 199-200.
67. S. S. Parasnis, C. P. Kulkarni, C. S.
Bhosale, A. Mary Selvam and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1982: Fluxes of Momentum,
dry and moist static energies in the tropical boundary layer. Proc.
Regional Scientific Conf. on 'Tropical Meteorology', 18-22 October
1982, Tsukuba, Japann, 195-196.
66. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1982: Electrical
and dynamical characteristics of summer monsoon warm clouds. Proc. Regional
Scientific Conf.on 'Tropical Meteorology', 18-22 October 1982, Tsukuba,
Japan, 249-250.
65. A. Mary Selvam, 1982: Dynamics of the
summer monsoon warm clouds. Proc. Regional Scientific Conf.on'Tropical
Meteorology',18-22 October, 1982, Tsukuba, Japan, 247-248.
64. A. Mary Selvam, 1982: Dynamical interaction
between the troposphere and stratosphere. Proc. Regional Scientific
Conference on 'Tropical Meteorology', 18-22 October, 1982, Tsukuba,
Japan, 11-12.
63. P. Sikka, R. Vijayakumar, A. M. Selvam
and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1982: Comparison of atmospheric ozone determined
by Chappuis band absorption method and measured with Dobson Spectrometer.
Proc. XXIV COSPAR Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 17 May-2 June 1982.
62. S. S. Parasnis, A. Mary Selvam et al.,
1982: Dynamic responses of warm monsoon clouds to salt seeding. Journal
of Weather Modification 14(1), 35-37.
61. A. M. Selvam, G. K. Manohar, S. S. Kandalgaonkar,
A. S. R.Murty and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1981: Cross spectral analysis of
atmospheric electric field observations made at Raichur during total solar
eclipse-1980. Proc. Symposium on Environmental Physics and Atmospheric
Boundary Layer, IITM, Pune, 24-26 November 1981.
60. K. Indira, A. M.Selvam and Bh. V. Ramana
Murty, 1981: Short term variations in atmospheric total ozone and its relation
with solar sector boundary crossing events. Proc. Symp. on Environmental
Physics and Atmospheric Boundary Layer, IITM, Pune, 24-26 November
59. S. S. Parasnis, A. M.Selvam, A. S. R.Murty
and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1981: Warming and Cooling rates in the atmospheric
boundary layer. Proc. Symp. on Environmental Physics and Atmospheric
Boundary Layer, IITM, Pune, 24-26 November 1981.
58. P. Sikka, R. Vijayakumar, A. Mary Selvam
et al., 1981: Variations in atmospheric precipitable water vapour
and Total Ozone at Poona. Proc.of Symp.on 'Environmental Physics and
Atmospheric Boundary Layer', 24-26 November 1981, IITM, Pune, 301-307.
57. A. Mary Selvam and S. S. Srivastava, 1981:
Variations in atmospheric electrical conductivity following solar flare
events. Proc.of Symp.on'Environmental Physics and Atmospheric Boundary
Layer', 24-26 November 1981, IITM, Pune, 238-243.
56. P. Sikka, R. Vijayakumar and A. Mary Selvam,
1981: Simple instrument for measurement of skylight intensity. Proc. of
Symp.on 'Environmental Physics & Atmospheric Boundary Layer',
24-26 November 1981, IITM, Pune, 276-279.
55. R. Vijayakumar, P. Sikka, A. Mary Selvam
and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1981: Measurements of atmospheric turbidity and
aerosols in Deccan Plateau. Proc. of Symp.on 'Environmental Physics
and Atmospheric Boundary Layer', 24-26 November 1981, IITM, Pune, 172-178.
54. A. Mary Selvam, P. K.Jayakumar and Bh.
V. Ramana Murty, 1981: Solar influence on atmospheric electric field. Proc.
Seminar cum Workshop on 'Sun-Weather relationship',Trivandrum, 16-28
July 1981.
53. A. G. Pillai, R. S. Reddy, R. Vijayakumar,
R. K. Kapoor, A. S. R. Murty, A. Mary Selvam and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1981:
Ground-based salt seeding experiment in Tamil Nadu State South India, 1973-77.
Journal of Weather Modification 13(1), April 1981, 177-181.
52. A. S. R.Murty, A. Mary Selvam et al.,
1981: Salt seeding from aircraft over Linganamakki catchment, South India.
Journal of Weather Modification 13(1), April 1981, 167-173.
51. A. S. R. Murty, A. Mary Selvam et al.,
1981: Electrical, microphysical and dynamical responses to salt seeding
in warm maritime cumulus clouds. Journal of Weather Modification13(1),
April 1981, 167-173.
50. L. T. Khemani, G. A. Momin, M. S. Naik,
A. S. R.Murty, A. Mary Selvam and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1980: Variations
in the surface ozone, atmospheric trace gases and aerosols during the total
solar eclipse-1980. Proc. Symposium on Atmospheric Ozone, Boulder,
Colorado, U.S.A., 4-9 August 1980.
49. R. Vijayakumar, A. Mary Selvam, A. S.
R.Murty, L. T. Khemani and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1980: Observations on sky
light intensity, atmospheric turbidity and water vapour content during
the total solar eclipse-1980. Proc. Symposium on Radiative Processes
in the Atmosphere, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 11-16 August 1980.
48. A. Mary Selvam, G. K. Manohar, A. S. R.Murty,
R. Vijayakumar and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1980: Variations in atmospheric
nuclei and electrical parameters during the total solar eclipse-1980. Proc.
VI International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Manchester,
England, July 28-August 1, 1980.
47. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1980: Observations
on atmospheric electrical parameters during heavy rainfall occasions. Proc.
VI International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Manchester,
England, July 28-August 1, 1980.
46. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1980: Electrical
phenomena in monsoon clouds. Proc. VI International Conference on Atmospheric
Electricity, Manchester, England, July 28-August 1, 1980.
45. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1980: Power
spectral analysis of atmospheric electric field and rainfall. Proc. VI
International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Manchester, England,
July 28-August 1, 1980.
44. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1980: Some
electrical and microphysical aspects of monsoon clouds. Proc. VI International
Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Manchester, England, July 28-August
1, 1980.
43. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1980: Electrical
phenomena in pre-monsoon thunderstorms. Proc. VI International Conference
on Atmospheric Electricity, Manchester, England, July 28-August 1,
42. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1980: Solar
influence on atmospheric electric field. Proc. VI International Conference
on Atmospheric Electricity, Manchester, England, July 28-August 1,
41. S. S. Parasnis, A. Mary Selvam, K. G.
Vernekar, Brij Mohan and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1980: Characteristics of
temperature spectra in the atmospheric boundary layer. Proc. VIII International
Conference on Cloud Physics, July 15-19,1980, Clermont-Ferrand, France,
40. L. T. Khemani, G. A. Momin, M. S. Naik,
A. Mary Selvam, A. S. R.Murty, Bh.V. Ramana Murty, 1980: Thermal, microphysical
and chemical conditions in an urban environment. Proc. VIII International
Conference on Cloud Physics, July 15-19,1980, Clermont-Ferrand, France,
39. A.Mary Selvam et al., 1980: Dynamical
characteristics of the sub-cloud air layers in a mari- time environment.
Proc. VIII International Conference on Cloud Physics, July 15-19,1980,
Clermont-Ferrand, France, 555-558.
38. S. S. Parasnis, A. Mary Selvam, A. S.
R.Murty and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1980: Dynamical characteristics of warm
monsoon clouds and their responses to salt seeding. Proc. Third WMO
Scientific Conference on Weather Modification, Clermont-Ferrand, France,
July 21-25, 1980, 127-132.
37. R. N. Chatterjee, A. S. R.Murty, A. Mary
Selvam and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1980: Radar evaluation of salt seeding
responses in warm maritime cumulus clouds. Proc. Third WMO Scientific
Conference on Weather Modification, Clermont-Ferrand, France, July
21-25, 1980, 133-139.
36. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1980: Numerical
evaluation of the aircraft salt seeding experiment in the Deccan Plateau,
India. Proc. Third WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification,
Clermont-Ferrand, France, July 21-25, 1980, 141-144.
35. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1980: Numerical
simulation of cloud seeding experiments in north India. Proc. Third
WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification, Clermont-Ferrand,
France, July 21-25, 1980, 145-150.
34. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1980: Numerical
simulation of cloud seeding experiments in Maharashtra State, India. Proc.
Third WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification, Clermont-Ferrand,
France, July 21-25, 1980, 151-157.
33. S. S. Parasnis, A. Mary Selvam, C. S.
Bhosale and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1980: Some thermodynamical studies of
the atmospheric boundary layer over the Arabain sea region during the summer
monsoon. National Space Sciences Symposium, Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi,
23-25 Jan.1980.
32. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1980: Some
thermodynamical and microphysical aspects of monsoon clouds. Proceedings
of the Indian Academy of Sciences, 87(A), 2 July, 1980, 215-230.
31. L. T. Khemani, M. S. Naik, G. A. Momin,
K. Krishnand, S. D. Kachre, A. Mary Selvam and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1980:
A study of the gaseous and particulate pollutants in the environment of
a thermal power plant project area. Water, Air and Soil Pollution,
13, September 1980, 303-316.
30. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1980: Diurnal
and seasonal variation of space charge, electric field and aerosols in
the lowest layers of the atmosphere. Tellus, Sweden, 32(3),
June 1980, 232-244.
29. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1979: Some
thermodynamical and microphysical aspects of monsoon clouds. Symposium
on 'Monsoon Dynamics and Climate', held in honour of Professor P.R.Pisharoty
on his 70th birthday at the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, 12
28. S. K. Paul, A. Mary Selvam and Bh. V.
Ramana Murty, 1979: An experimental investigation of the influence of electric
field on the collision-coalescence of water drops. Tellus, Sweden,
Vol.31, 272-289.
27. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1979: Numerical
simulation of cloud seedng experiments in Maharashtra State, India. Journal
of Weather Modification, USA, Vol.11, 116-140.
26. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1978: A
numerical technique for simulation of cloud seeding experiments. Proceedings
of the Indian Academy of Sciences, 87A, 179-191.
25. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1978: Reply
to Professor S.A.Chagnon's comments on the paper 'Airborne electrical and
microphysical measurements in clouds in maritime and urban environments.
Atmospheric Environment, UK, Vol.12, 2031.
24. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1978: Airborne
electrical and microphysical measurements in clouds in maritime and urban
environments. Atmospheric Environment, UK, Vol.12, 1978,
23. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1978: Electrical,
microphysical and dynamical conditions in clouds during summer monsoon
at a hill station. Proceedings of the Conference on Cloud Physics and
Atmospheric Electricity, July 31-August 4, 1978, Issaquah, Washington.
22. A. S. R.Murty, A. Mary Selvam, R. Vijayakumar
and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1978: Aircraft measurements on the cloud condensation
nuclei in the maritime and continental environments. Dr.Boroviko Memorial
Volume on Cloud Physics' Some problems of Cloud Physics,' published
by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR,1978.
21. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1977: Characteristics
of raindrop charge and associated electric field in different types of
rain. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, USA, Vol.34, 1791-1796.
20. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1977: Reply
to Dr.H.E.Landsberg's comments on the paper 'Rainfall variations around
a thermal power station. Atmospheric Environment, UK, Vol.11,
19. A. S. R. Murty, A. Mary Selvam, S. K.
Paul, R. Vijayakumar and Bh. V. Ramana Murty, 1976: Electrical and microphysical
measurements in warm cumulus clouds before and after seeding. Journal
of Applied Meteorology, USA, Vol.15, 1295-1301.
18. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1976: Airborne
electrical and microphysical observations in the envir- onment of a thermal
power station. Atmospheric Environment, UK, Vol.10, 957-961.
17. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1976: Aircraft
measurement of electrical parameters inside monsoon clouds. Indian Journal
of Meteorology, Hydrology and Geophysics, Vol.27, 391-396.
16. A. Mary Selvam, G. K. Manohar and Bh.
V. Ramana Murty, 1976: Interdependence between surface potential gradient
and rainfall in monsoon rains.Journal of Meteorology, Hydrology and
Geophysics, Vol.27, 59-63.
15. A. Mary Selvam et al., 1976: Rainfall
variations around a thermal power station. Atmospheric Environment,
UK, Vol.10, 963-968.
14. A. S. R.Murty, A. Mary Selvam and Bh.
V. Ramana Murty, 1975: Summary of observations indicating dynamic effect
of salt seeding in warm cumulus clouds. Journal of Applied Meteorology,
USA, Vol.14, 629-637.
13. A. S. R.Murty, A. Mary Selvam and Bh.
V. Ramana Murty, 1975: Dynamic effect of salt seeding in warm cumulus clouds.
Journal of Weather Modification, USA, Vol.8, 31-43.
12. K. Krishna, R. K. Kapoor, A. S. R.Murty,
A. Mary Selvam et al., 1974: A randomized cloud seeding experiment
in the Deccan Plateau India -Preliminary results. Journal of Weather
Modification, USA, Vol.6, 266-277.
11. A. Mary Selvam and Bh. V. Ramana Murty,
1974: Potential gradient patterns associated with airmass types at Poona.
Indian Journal of Meteorology and Geophysics, Vol.25, 69-76.
10. M. V. Sivaramakrishnan and A. Mary Selvam,
1971: Measurement of the two components of air earth conduction current
in the tropics. Indian Journal of Meteorology and Geophysics, Vol.22,
9. A. Mary Selvam, 1970: On the measurement
of surface atmospheric potential gradient and point discharge current using
electronic method. IITM Technical Note No.121.
8. M. Mary Selvam, 1970: Investigation of
cloud physics with special reference to thunder- storm electricity in the
tropics and on the use of satellite cloud pictures for the study of tropical
cyclones over the Indian Ocean. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Poona,
1970, Vol.I and Vol.II.
7. M. V.Sivaramakrishnan and M. Mary Selvam,
1967: The relation of raindrop size to intensify of rainfall in diffe rent
types of tropical rain using a simple raindrop recorder. Indian Journal
of Meteorology, Geophysics, Vol.18, 13-26.
6. M. V. Sivaramakrishnan and M. Mary Selvam,
1966: On the use of apiral technique for estimating the centre positi ons
of tropical cyclones from satellite photographs taken over the Indian region.
Proceedings of 12th Conference on Radar Meteorology, 1966. Norman
5. R. Ananthakrishnan, R. Chellappa and M.
Mary Selvam, 1964: Dew point and humidity mixing ratio at the surface and
precipi table water vapour in the atmosphere. Meteorological Research
Paper No.13, DDGF-MRP, August 1964.
4. R. Ananthakrishnan, R. Chellappa and M.
Mary Selvam, 1964: Precipitable water vapour in the atmosphere over India.
Meteorological Research Paper No.12, DDGF-MRP, August 1964,
India Meteorological Department, 108 pp.
3. R. Ananthakrishnan, R. Chellappa and M.
Mary Selvam, 1965: Seasonal variation of precipitable water vapour in the
atmosphere over India. Indian Journal of Meteorology and Geophysics,
Vol.16, 371-384.
2. R. Ananthakrishnan, A. R. Ramakrishnan,
M. Mary Selvam and P. J. Rajagopalachari, 1965: Seasonal variations in
the zonal and meridional circulation over India. Current Science,
34, 272-277.
1. R. Ananthakrishnan, A. R. Ramakrishnan
and M. Mary Selvam, 1964: Changes in the meridional circulation over India
accompanying the onset and withdrawal of the south-west monsoon. Current
Science, 1964, 672-674.